这些使用指南讲解了如何利用 MDX 来解决常见的需求和固定模式。GitHub flavored markdown (GFM)This guide explores how to support GFM features such as autolink literals, footnotes, strikethrough, tables, and task lists.FrontmatterThis guide explores how to support YAML frontmatter in MDX.MathThis guide explores how to support math (LaTeX) in MDX.Syntax highlightingThis guide explores how to apply syntax highlighting to code blocks.EmbedThis guide explores how to embed things like tweets, gists or codepens in markdown.MDX on demandThis guide shows how to use @mdx-js/mdx to compile MDX on the server and run the result on clients.Injecting componentsThis guide shows how to inject arbitrary components into MDX when it runs.Ceasefire now! 🕊️Skip to content中文文档MDX 是什么?入门Using MDXExtending MDXTroubleshooting MDX使用指南GitHub flavored markdown (GFM)FrontmatterMathSyntax highlightingEmbedMDX on demandInjecting components核心软件包@mdx-js/esbuild@mdx-js/loader@mdx-js/mdx@mdx-js/node-loader@mdx-js/preact@mdx-js/react@mdx-js/rollup@mdx-js/vueremark-mdx组件在线练习场社区SupportContributeSponsorAboutProjects博客英文官网GitHubTwitterOpenCollective
This guide explores how to support GFM features such as autolink literals, footnotes, strikethrough, tables, and task lists.
This guide explores how to support YAML frontmatter in MDX.
This guide explores how to support math (LaTeX) in MDX.
This guide explores how to apply syntax highlighting to code blocks.
This guide explores how to embed things like tweets, gists or codepens in markdown.
This guide shows how to use @mdx-js/mdx to compile MDX on the server and run the result on clients.
This guide shows how to inject arbitrary components into MDX when it runs.